As we embrace the cold of winter and look forward to the promise of spring, we are reminded of the continual growth within our Lodge. This month, we have the honor of conferring the First Degree upon Mr. Dennis Abraham, marking the beginning of his journey in Freemasonry.
The First Degree is a powerful moment, both for the candidate and for each of us. It symbolizes a new chapter, not only in the life of Mr. Abraham but also in our own Masonic paths. Let us support him as he takes these first steps, reaffirming the values of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth that bind us together.
Winter offers us the chance to reflect on the work we do and the principles we uphold. While the season may be quiet and still, within our Lodge, we have the opportunity to bring warmth, light, and guidance to one another. As we gather, let us remember that every Degree we confer strengthens our bonds and renews our commitment to the Craft.
I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday February 18th, where we will not only welcome our new Brother but also strengthen the ties that unite us all. Let us gather in unity, reverence, and joy as we continue our work in Freemasonry.
All Brethren are invited to attend the Board of General Purposes meeting on Tuesday February 11th to see and be involved in the business of the Lodge.
Fraternally yours,
W. Bro. John L. Raso
Worshipful Master, Hugh Murray Lodge No. 602
A.F. & A.M., in the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario